How Often Should You Really Replace Your Pillows? Experts Weigh In

How Often Should You Really Replace Your Pillows? Experts Weigh In

Written by: Alec Tremaine



Time to read 4 min

How Often Should You Really Replace Your Pillows? Experts Weigh In

Pillows are a crucial component of a good night's sleep, yet they often go overlooked in our regular cleaning and maintenance routines. Knowing when to replace your pillows is essential for maintaining optimal sleep quality and ensuring personal hygiene. In this article, we'll explore expert opinions and offer guidance on pillow replacement frequency and care tips.

The Lifespan of Pillows: How Long Do They Really Last?

Remember that pillow you bought, feeling like you were lying on a cloud? Fast forward, and now it feels a bit more like a deflated balloon. Well, that's because pillows have a shelf life like all good things in life. But how long is the lifespan of pillows really?

Dr. Michael Breus, a board-certified sleep specialist and author of "The Sleep Doctor's Diet," advises: "Pillows should be replaced every 12-18 months, even if they don't appear to be dirty." However, the truth is, it depends on various factors such as materials, usage, and how well you care for them.

On average, experts suggest:

  • Memory foam pillows should be replaced every 18 to 36 months.

  • Down and synthetic pillows often require replacement every 1 to 2 years.

Interestingly, a study found that 71% of people sleep on pillows that are more than two years old, suggesting that many of us are overdue for a pillow upgrade.

Dr. Breus adds, "It's important to note that the frequency of pillow replacement can vary based on individual factors, such as sleep habits, allergies, and the type of pillow." Sleep deprivation can have many effects on the body. Learn more about sleep deprivation on our blog.

Here are some specific guidelines for different pillow types:

  • Memory foam pillows can last longer than traditional pillows but should still be replaced every 2-3 years.

  • Down pillows should be replaced every 1-2 years, as the feathers can break down over time.

Indicators for Replacing Pillows

Indicators for Replacing Pillows

Have you ever woken up feeling like you just had a wrestling match with your pillow? If so, it might be a hint that it's time to bid adieu to your trusty headrest. Dr. Lisa Shives, a board-certified sleep medicine physician and author of "The Good Night Sleep Guide," states: "If you notice your pillow is lumpy, flat, or doesn't bounce back when you press it, it's time to get a new one."

Here are some tell-tale indicators that your pillow might need a graceful retirement:

  1. Lumps and Bumps: If you constantly fluff to find a comfortable spot, it's a sign that your pillow has lost its support.

  2. Shape-Shifting Blues: Over time, pillows lose their shape and support. If your pillow resembles a misshapen doughnut, it's time for an upgrade.

  3. Persistent Odor: No amount of freshening can mask an enduring stink. If your pillow has started to smell unpleasant, it's a red flag.

  4. Allergic Reactions: Dust mites can accumulate in pillows, triggering allergies and asthma. If your morning sniffles and sneezes have become a ritual, your old pillow could be the culprit.

  5. Neck Pain and Headaches: Pillows can lose their support and firmness over time, leading to neck pain and headaches. In fact, a study found that people who sleep on pillows that are more than five years old are more likely to experience neck pain. Read our blog for more tips on sleeping with a pinched nerve in the shoulder blade.

Dr. Breus advises, "It's a good idea to check your pillow for signs of wear and tear, such as flattening, yellowing, or a musty odor."

pillow fold test

The Fold Test: A Quick Way to Check Your Pillow's Health

One simple way to determine if your pillow needs replacing is the fold test. Here's how to do it:

  1. Fold your pillow in half.

  2. Let go.

  3. If the pillow doesn't spring back to its original shape and instead stays folded like a sad taco, it's time for a replacement.

Pillow Care: Maintenance Tips and Hygiene

Proper pillow care can significantly extend the lifespan of your pillows. Here are some tips to keep your pillows fresh and supportive:

  1. Wash Pillowcases Weekly: This is your first line of defense against sweat, dirt, and other substances adhering to the pillow over time.

  2. Air Out Your Pillows: Lay them out in the sun or a well-ventilated area for a few hours to eliminate moisture and odors naturally.

  3. Use Baking Soda: Sprinkle a light dusting of baking soda before vacuuming your pillows to help neutralize odors.

  4. Wash Pillows Regularly: Dr. Shives notes, "Washing your pillow regularly can help extend its lifespan, but it's still important to replace it eventually." Aim to wash your pillows every 3-4 months using a gentle cycle, warm water, and a light detergent.

Health Benefits of Fresh Pillows

Replacing your pillows regularly can lead to various health benefits, including:

If you have allergies or asthma, you should replace your pillows more frequently, as they can collect dust mites and other allergens.

Dr. Shives emphasizes, "A new pillow can improve your sleep quality and overall health."

Conclusion: Prioritizing Pillow Replacement for Better Sleep

The importance of maintaining a regular pillow replacement schedule cannot be overstated. Understanding the signs you need new pillows and taking proactive steps in pillow quality maintenance ensures a restful and hygienic sleep environment, ultimately leading to improved health and quality of life.

Dr. Breus concludes, "Replacing your pillow regularly is a small investment in your health and well-being."

And as Dr. Shives wisely advises, "Don't wait until your pillow is completely worn out to replace it. By replacing it sooner rather than later, you can help prevent neck pain, headaches, and other sleep problems."

So, take a moment to assess your pillows. If they show signs of wear and tear or you can't remember the last time you replaced them, it might be time for an upgrade. Your neck, allergies, and overall sleep quality will thank you.

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Alec Tremaine

Slumber CRO and sleep enthusiast.

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