Slumber partners with CBD.Market

Written by: Alec Tremaine



Time to read 2 min

Introduction to Slumber

Slumber, a boutique health and wellness company known for their premium hemp-based sleep gummies, has recently partnered with CBD.Market to expand their reach and share the benefits of CBD for sleep with a broader audience. This strategic partnership brings together two companies committed to providing high-quality CBD products and educating consumers about the potential of CBD for promoting a healthy lifestyle.

About CBD.Market

CBD.Market is an online marketplace that offers a wide range of CBD products from the best companies in the USA. Founded in San Diego, CBD.Market was created with the mission of educating people about the benefits of CBD and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They pride themselves on offering high-quality products at affordable prices, making CBD accessible to everyone.

Why CBD.Market

CBD.Market's Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction: One of the reasons Slumber chose to partner with CBD.Market is their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. CBD.Market offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring customers can confidently purchase. They also provide a low price guarantee, promising to offer prices lower than the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Additionally, CBD.Market offers free shipping on all orders over $60, making it easy and affordable for customers to try new products.

CBD.Market's Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction: One of the reasons Slumber chose to partner with CBD.Market is their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. CBD.Market offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring customers can confidently purchase. They also provide a low price guarantee, promising to offer prices lower than the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Additionally, CBD.Market offers free shipping on all orders over $60, making it easy and affordable for customers to try new products.


Another aspect that sets CBD.Market apart is its dedication to transparency. All products sold on their platform come with lab certificates from independent laboratories, allowing customers to verify the quality and contents of each product. This level of transparency is essential in the CBD industry, where regulations are still evolving, and consumers need to be able to trust the products they are purchasing.

Why Slumber Partnered with CBD.Market

Slumber's decision to partner with CBD.Market was driven by a shared commitment to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction. By making their Deep Zzzs sleep gummies available on CBD.Market's platform, Slumber can reach a wider audience of health-conscious consumers looking for natural solutions to improve their sleep.

Moreover, CBD.Market's focus on education aligns perfectly with Slumber's mission to share the benefits of CBD for sleep with the masses. Through this partnership, Slumber can leverage CBD.Market's established platform and customer base to raise awareness about the potential of CBD and other hemp-derived compounds for promoting better sleep.