Sleep Debt | What Level of Zombie Are You?
No one enjoys the topic of debt (except perhaps those in finance). However, most of us go about everyday life at a considerable deficit—in ZZZs. According to Matthew Walker, the director of the...
How Deep Breathing Can Benefit Your Overall Sleep
Did you know that your body takes an average of 20,000 breaths a day? While it doesn't take much thought to remember to breathe, there are some surprising benefits when you take the time to intent...
Turn Your Nightmares into Sweet Dreams with CBN!
Bad Dreams (A.K.A.) nightmares are what the American Academy of Sleep Medicine call "vivid, realistic and disturbing dreams typically involving threats to survival or security, which often evoke e...
The Importance of Testing and COAs for Sleep Aids
As part of new California law AB 45, CBD product labels must link to third-party test results/certificates of analysis (COA). Why do these matter to consumers? Here’s a quick look at the importanc...