insomnia Withered plant clinging to a murky glass surface, highlighting the stark beauty of decay and the passage of time.

Turn Your Nightmares into Sweet Dreams with CBN!

Bad Dreams (A.K.A.) nightmares are what the American Academy of Sleep Medicine call "vivid, realistic and disturbing dreams typically involving threats to survival or security, which often evoke e...

Crescent moon illuminating snow-capped mountains under a starry sky, evoking a sense of nighttime serenity

Optimize Your Sleep with CBN

Cannabinol (a.ka. CBN the sleepy cannabinoid) is widely used and accepted across the world thanks to raving testimonials of its therapeutic benefits for sleep and tranquility. Master formulators, ...

A woman is typing on her laptop with a bowl of fruit and a notebook beside her.

Sticking with Your 2024 Goals

As you shut the door to 2023, you may have spent some meaningful reflection time to evaluate the last year. What did you accomplish? What habits are you proud of? What are you wanting to adjust ...

product The Importance of Testing and COAs for Sleep Aids

The Importance of Testing and COAs for Sleep Aids

As part of new California law AB 45, CBD product labels must link to third-party test results/certificates of analysis (COA). Why do these matter to consumers? Here’s a quick look at the importanc...